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Thank you for registering for

Curating South Asia: Contemporary Politics & Civilisational Challenges

Evening Masterclass sessions by Prof. Naman Ahuja, Chief Curator of the Lumbini Museum


Date: Tuesday - Friday, 6-9 September 2022

Time: 5.00 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.

Venue: Yalamaya Kendra, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur


We look forward to meeting you soon at the event.

The Lumbini Museum team


Schedule for the Evening Masterclasses
September 6th – 9th, 2022 (4 evenings)

The schedule provided below is in Nepal time.


Tuesday, 6 September: Session 1  - SCENOGRAPHY

While design and scenography are usually employed to make an exhibition aesthetically pleasing and aligned with a gallery's subject matter, they can play a far more critical role in communicating and furthering particular narrative outcomes.


Wednesday, 7 September: Session 2 - PLURALISM & MULTICULTURALISM

For museums to be decolonised, an awareness of the pluralism inherent in multicultural societies must be placed front and centre. This applies both at a macro level, in terms of acknowledging the diversity of readings of any given historical event, as well as at the micro level, in the areas of multi-language accessibility and label writing.


Thursday, 8 September: Session 3 - CASTE, GENDER & SEXUALITY 

How can hot-button sociopolitical issues such as caste, gender and sexuality be factored into the writing of histories and displays in museums? Given that our positions on these issues are historically contingent and dynamic, curators can read objects and rituals from times past in ways that make them resonate with contemporary understandings, while still posing questions about the context in which they were conceived and produced.


Friday, 9 September: Session 4 - CENSORSHIP          

Museums are filled both with artefacts of tremendous erotic power as well as objects that are defaced – censored in the name of defending moral sensibilities. Flowing from the previous topic, the final session looks at how museums can shape public morality and ethics, what sort of precedents they can turn to guides them in these matters, and what cautions they need to employ.


For updates related to the public talk and evening masterclasses, please visit: 

If you have general questions, kindly contact: