Sun 23 May 7.45 pm Nepal | 10.00 pm Taiwan | 8.00 am US Pacific
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This session focuses on the intersection between Buddhism and contemporary art. While Asian artists have long had a multi-faceted relationship with Buddhism, the category of “Buddhist Art” has tended to focus more on classical art and antiquities, while excluding the work of contemporary artists. With Buddhism’s immense influence and impact being increasingly considered by art historians and curators, however, this situation is beginning to change.
This lively conversation explores how Buddhism informs the work of Ang Tshering Sherpa (Nepal) and Charwei Tsai (Taiwan), two internationally recognized artists whose artworks have been seen in museums and galleries around the world.
Facilitated by Haema Sivanesan, curator of the multi-phase research and exhibition project, “In the Present Moment: Buddhism, Contemporary Art and Social Practice,” our panelists will discuss how Buddhist concepts are given form and personal expression through art practice.